Newmarket Veterinary Discussion Panel - 'The Relevance of Orthopaedic Disease from a Veterinary Perspective'
As part of the series of Thoroughbred Growth Forums, we hosted a live Veterinary Juvenile Discussion Panel to talk about the relevance of Orthopaedic Disease from a veterinary perspective.
The guest speakers on the Newmarket panel were Ian Cameron (Rossdales), Antony Clements (Baker McVeigh), Matt Coleridge (Rossdales) and Zara Wise (Newmarket Equine Hospital) alongside Nick Wingfield Digby (Rossdales) and Dr. Joe Pagan (Kentucky Equine Research)>

Ian Cameron
BSc, BVM&S, CertEM(StudMed), MRCVS
Ian graduated from the Royal (Dick) Veterinary College, Edinburgh in 1999, and spent two years in mixed practice at Hampton Veterinary Centre in Malpas, Cheshire. He joined Rossdale & Partners as an intern in 2001. Upon completion of his internship, Ian joined the practice’s stud team in 2003, and spent the southern hemisphere stud season of 2004 at Windsor Park Stud in New Zealand. He became a partner at Rossdales in 2008, and a clinical director in 2021.
Ian gained a Cert EM(StudMed) in 2007 and completed a post graduate degree in Information Technology and Philosophy through the Open University in 2002. He has lectured around the country on stud medicine topics. He is currently enrolled on the RCVS Diploma in Equine Stud Medicine programme.
Ian works in all aspects of stud medicine, but has particular interests in assessment of the late term mare, management of Thoroughbred youngstock and assessment of breeding stock, foals and yearlings at Thoroughbred sales in the UK, Europe and North America.
Antony Clements
BVSc, CertES(Orth), MRCVS
Antony Clements joined the Baker McVeigh group in 2001, having previously worked in practices in Hampshire and the University of Glasgow. He has extensive experience and post-graduate qualifications in equine orthopaedics. After moving to Durban and helping to establish the Cape Town practice, Antony moved to the UK where he became the managing partner of the Newmarket practice. He now tends to the needs of their larger clients and offers consulting services across the UK, Europe and the Middle East.
Matt Coleridge
Diplomate of American College of Veterinary Surgeons (Large Animal)
Matt joined the team of surgeons at Rossdales Equine Hospital in November 2020, having spent the past three years as a surgeon at Fethard Equine Hospital in Ireland. Matt qualified from University of Glasgow Veterinary school in 2012 before undertaking a surgery internship Hagyard Equine Medical Institute in Lexington, Kentucky. He then spent a year at Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine, where he completed a further large animal internship. He subsequently undertook a Surgical Residency at Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine in a combined programme with Hagyard Equine Medical Institute. In 2017, Matt completed a Masters in Veterinary Science (MS)and the following year he became a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS).
Matt is experienced in all aspects of equine surgery, with an emphasis on orthopaedics. He is particularly interested in all aspects of the Thoroughbred breeding, sales and racing industry and his surgical interests include juvenile and adult orthopaedic surgery, as well as broodmare reproductive and abdominal surgery.
Zara Wise
Zara qualified in 2000 from the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge. She joined Greenwood Ellis & Partners in October 2001 and work in stud medicine, including all aspects of mare and foal care. Zara also has an interest in artificial insemination (A.I.). In 2004, she spent a season doing stud work in Scone, Australia. Zara became a partner in 2021.

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