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Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome

Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) is an umbrella term that collectively refers to ulcers that can occur in different regions of the stomach, separated into two distinct diseases, equine glandular gastric disease (EGGD) and equine squamous gastric disease (ESGD). In horses, gastric ulcers are one of the common problems that can occur due to their environment, breed, lifestyle and training levels, external stressors, inappropriate feed management (high starch diets and low forage intake) and water intake, etc. Horses secrete gastric acid continually, whether they are fed or not, and we continue to explore risk factors, the make-up of the diet, and helpful feeding and management strategies as they can have a significant impact on the digestive health of horses.

Saracen Horse Feeds held a recent series of exclusive webinars 'Celebrating Science' as part of marking our 20th Anniversary of working in partnership with Kentucky Equine Research. A panel discussion featuring our Senior Nutritionist, Lizzie Drury, Dr. Peter Huntington from Kentucky Equine Research, Eamon Smyth and Jack Ashby from Equivet, and Katie Powell from Nodwood Equine showed the findings of a live gastroscope as the panel considered the latest developments in the diagnosis and treatment of EGUS.

Our EGUS range of feeds have been formulated based on veterinary research and scientific evidence in association with Kentucky Equine Research -they also meets the nutritional criteria for the BETA EGUS recognition. When fed in conjunction with other appropriate feed and management strategies, our range of EGUS approved feeds can help to reduce the risk of EGUS and help to maintain normal digestive function.