Nutritional Articles
Managing Pasture Intake In Spring For The Good Doer Or Metabolic Horse
The following management methods could be considered to manage grass intake.
Nutritional Considerations When Preparing Competition Horses For Stay Away And International Shows
When traveling to a stay away show, or even travelling internationally, proper nutritional preparation is key to ensuring your horse adapts smoothly to the change in environment.
Management Strategies For Respiratory Health In Horses:
Respiratory health can play a vital role in the performance of your horse.
Feeding Questions To Ask Before Bringing Home A New Horse
When purchasing a new horse, there are numerous factors to consider and organize, which sometimes means the horse’s nutritional needs are overlooked.
Owner Perceptions On Overweight Horses And Recommendations To Combat Obesity
Equine obesity is one of the biggest welfare concerns facing leisure and competition horses today, with the prevalence of obesity in leisure horses being reported as high as 45-60%.
What Is 'Ad-Lib,' Forage, And Is It Enough?
Many owners may say they provide their horse with 'ad-lib' forage, but if digestive issues or weight loss persist, it may be worth investigating further.
The Latest Updates On Equine Grass Sickness
Equine Grass Sickness (EGS) is a serious, often fatal disease that has been a major concern for horse owners since it was first recognized in Scotland around 1907. For years, researchers have suspected a connection between EGS and Clostridium botulinum type C. However, recent research has identified a potential new cause for the disease, the neurotoxic enzyme Phospholipase A2.
Why Are Feeding Rates Important?
Following recommended feeding rates is important for your horses overall health and well being.
The Benefits Of Feeding Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Looking into the benefits of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation for all types of horse and pony, and how we can include this in the horses diet
What Is Hindgut Acidosis?
Investigating the main causes, symptoms and management of hindgut acidosis in horses
Management Of Equine Shivers
Shivers is a chronic, slowly progressive, neuromuscular condition. Whilst there is currently no cure or treatment for Shivers, management methods have been suggested to potentially slow progression and manage clinical signs.
What To Look For If Your Recommended Diet Is Not Working
You have called up a nutrition helpline for feeding advice, been recommended a ration based on your horses’ requirements, however it has not had the desired effect. What could be wrong?