Thoroughbred Growth Forum
Radiographic Findings & the Developmental Orthopaedic Disease Concerns
Thoroughbred Growth Forum
Effect of size & growth on the incidence of DOD in the thoroughbred
Thoroughbred Growth Forum
To present the findings of an international growth study, relating growth to skeletal soundness, and sales and racing performance.

Using the world’s largest set of growth records for young thoroughbreds, Kentucky Equine Research (KER) has carried out a worldwide investigation into how the size and growth rates of foals are related to sales and racing performance. Skeletal soundness is vital for racehorses; breeders pay particular attention to radiographic abnormalities that may affect a yearling’s sale price or racing career. Data collected by KER's partners in the US, Europe and Australia have been analysed to assess whether size is significantly associated with radiographic findings, and how these measurements are related to sales and racing performance.
The goals of these studies are to identify at-risk foals earlier, modify feed and management practices to reduce problems, and ultimately, raise better racehorses.

"Our latest findings indicate that foal size and month of birth are important factors related to soundness and future racing performance".
Dr. Joe D. Pagan, Kentucky Equine Research

Watch our series of PRESENTATIONs and live veterinary panel discussions from our Thoroughbred Growth Forums in Newmarket & Newbury BELOW:
For more information about our guest speakers - click here

By Nick Wingfield Digby, Rossdales, LVO, BVSc, MRCVS, DL

The Effect of Size and Growth on Incidence of DOD and Subsequent Sales and Racing Performance in the Thoroughbred
By Dr. Joe D. Pagan, President of Kentucky Equine Research

Introduction to the future of Thoroughbred Growth Monitoring - the new cloud-based Gro-Trac® Application
By Dr. Joe D. Pagan, President of Kentucky Equine Research

'The Relevance of Orthopaedic Disease from a Veterinary Perspective'
Newmarket Veterinary Discussion Panel with Ian Cameron (Rossdales), Antony Clements (Baker McVeigh), Matt Coleridge (Rossdales) and Zara Wise (Newmarket Equine Hospital)

'The Relevance of Orthopaedic Disease from a Veterinary Perspective'
Newbury Veterinary Discussion Panel with Robert Dallas (Rossdales), Fil De Oliveira (Donnington Grove Equine Vets), Jess Dicks (Baker McVeigh) and Pat Sells (Orbital Vet Services).