Condition Without Fizz With Super Fibre Cubes
Finding the balance between energy, condition and fizz can be particularly tricky with young performance horses.
Our area feed adviser Kate Hayward recommended feeding Manhattan a 4-year-old eventer on Super Fibre Cubes to ensure that he was getting all the nutrients he required whilst providing calories without the fizz!
Manhattan arrived last year as 4YO and had lost some condition after a very long journey from Europe. After speaking with our Feed Rep Kate Hayward, we followed her advice and placed him on the Super Fibre Cubes. They are a great way of putting on condition whilst maintaining a trainable temperament, which is crucial with young horses. As you can see he has really flourished on them and looks like a completely different horse..! Connie Copestake

When choosing a feed for a young horse it is essential to consider how much time the horse will be spending in the stable, their temperament and how much work you intend to do with them. We recommend feeding a diet based on fibre rather than cereals to avoid exacerbating fizzy temperaments. Super Fibre Cubes are a high fibre, low sugar, low starch cube that are based on highly digestible "Super-Fibres" which provide slow-release energy whilst maintaining a healthy digestive system. The cubes provide a complete feed meaning that no additional balancers need to be added to the diet when fed at the recommended amount as they are fully fortified with vitamins, minerals and trace elements for optimum health.
If you would like any further information on Super Fibre Cubes or have a young performance horse that requires condition without fizz please get in contact with our nutritional team on 01622 718487 or fill out our FEED ADVICE FORM .
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