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Would My Horse Benefit From Equishure®?

Equishure Diagram

Horses that are on high starch diets or those that are sensitive to high sugar levels i.e. in lush grazing, have an increased risk of hindgut disturbance and development of hindgut acidosis. A sign of impaired hindgut function can be loss of appetite or development of ‘fussiness’ towards feed. In these cases, supplementing the diet with EquiShure® can help to stabilise hindgut pH and support digestive function.

Research has shown that supplementing the diet with EquiShure® led to reduced faecal pH levels demonstrating that EquiShure® can maintain gut balance and support a normal hindgut environment. Signs of abnormal hindgut function can include loss of appetite, change in droppings or digestive function, changes to normal behaviour, poor weight maintenance, poor coat appearance and development or expression of stereotypical behaviours, such as wood chewing.

Equi Shure Blue Bag 1 25 NEW

EquiShure®, a scientifically proven time-released hindgut buffer which supplies an encapsulated source of sodium bicarbonate to the colon and Caecum, helping to stabilise hindgut PH and optimise digestive function.

Read the research

If you would like more information on EquiShure® please contact our nutritional team on 01622 718487 or email