Feeding On The Road
Horses thrive on routine; yet performance horses are subjected to a kaleidoscopic schedule of frequent travel, unfamiliar stabling, and a variety of training and competition venues.
In this whirlwind of change, it is imperative that feeding programmes are consistent, with respect to concentrate feeds and forages, as well as ensuring that additional extras, such as maintaining appetite and hydration and the increased demands for electrolytes are being provided.

The subject of feeding the performance horse is huge. Requirements for individual horses will vary according to factors such as:
- body weight
- condition score
- discipline (e.g., endurance, eventing and dressage)
- environmental factors
- rider ability etc.
However, the common factor for all performance horses is that they will be spending a large proportion of their time on the road and the purpose of this article is to help ensure that the competitive season runs as smoothly as possible for your horse with respect to reducing the risk of digestive upsets and dehydration bought on by changes in routine etc.
Travelling is equivalent to walking for the same period or twice that of standing in a stable.
The stress is affected by the experience of travelling including the space provided, orientation of the horse, temperature and humidity, temperament of the horse and the standard of driving. Generally, less than three hours’ travelling has a negligible effect on the horse’s subsequent health and performance but long road journeys covering several days and long haul flights, exacerbated by refuelling stops, quarantine checks, time spent loading and unloading, have a significant effect on weight loss due in the main to dehydration. Fluid and electrolyte imbalances are part and parcel of weight loss, particularly when horses start to suffer from diarrhoea at the sight of the horsebox and during transit.
Research has suggested that horses loose two to five pounds (1-2.5kgs) of body weight for every hour that they travel, and this takes three to five days to be regained in a normal healthy horse.
The physiological and mental stresses of travelling, coupled with the risk of dehydration that can potentially lead to colic, means that it is important to identify and minimise the stress of the situation so that you allow for greater overall health and well being so that the horse has the greatest chance of performing well and reaching its full potential.
Preparation begins at home:
ALWAYS ensure that your horse has access to plenty of fresh, clean water and keep buckets and troughs clean. When horses are travelling or at a show, they can be reluctant to drink strange water. Start practicing at home by encouraging your horse to drink flavoured water, for example, flavoured with apple juice or mint. Alternatively make sure that you have enough water containers on board to take enough ‘home’ water with you
Your horse’s diet should be based on good quality forage (pasture, hay or haylage). This not only helps to keep their digestive system healthy but helps to stimulate saliva production, which is an important buffer against stomach acid. Eating forage also encourages water consumption, and fibre in the hindgut traps water and electrolytes forming a reservoir of fluid, which will help to prevent dehydration. Horses should eat no less than 1.5% of their bodyweight in forage, although, where weight gain isn’t an issue, this can be increased to 2-2.5% depending on appetite, i.e. a 500kg shores should be fed 7.5kg – 12.5kg of forage in a 24-hour period.
Make sure that the concentrate feed that you are using is the right type for the job you are doing as, alongside a correct fittening program, this will help in ensuring that your horse is being given the best possible start. Do not feed by scoop or coffee mug but weigh your feed accurately to ensure your horse is receiving optimum levels of vitamins and minerals, which are essential to help drive energy cycles and support the immune system. If you are feeding below the feed manufacturers recommended feeding amounts, top up the micronutrient levels with a balancer, such as Competition-Fit Balancer. Competition Fit Balancer is flavoured with red apple to keep tempting the appetites of performance horses that may “back off’ the manager and therefore miss out on optimal intakes of quality protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants during the season. Live yeast and Acid Buf have been incorporated into the formulation as recent feed trials have proven that they can help to support an optimum pH of the stomach and hindgut and help manage those horses with compromised digestive function. The use of a live yeast has also been shown to help support feed and forage digestibility and maintaining a stable gut flora population during times of stress, for example during travelling and competing.
Salt is one of the only minerals that horses have an indisputable appetite for, and a lack of salt can increase the risk of early muscle fatigue, reduced stamina, muscle cramps, dehydration and slow recovery rates. Make sure your horse has access to a salt block and supplement their feed with 1 – 2 tablespoons of salt depending upon work levels and weather conditions.
On your way!
On the day of competition, try to keep feeding routines as normal as possible. In the event of very early starts, let your horse eat their breakfast at least an hour before you go and don’t start the lorry until they have finished!
If you are on a long journey then you will need to make regular water stops, at least every two hours. Most horses will sweat when travelling due to the heat produced in a confined space, so water supplemented with electrolytes is important. Make sure you also offer un-supplemented water too. If your horse is reluctant to drink while travelling then offering a soaked product, such as Saracen Re-Covery Mash, is advised.
Re-Covery Mash is highly palatable, versatile and convenient to use in many different situations. It contains a blend of ’Super-Fibres’, known for their superior digestibility and provision of non-heating calories, plus a source of electrolytes to aid re-hydration. The super fibres help to ‘top up’ the performance horse’s fibre and water intake and, together with electrolytes, helps to maintain optimum hydration and thirst response, during periods of travel, warm weather, sweating, intensive training and exertion. Re-Covery Mash also includes a live yeast to support gut flora and stabilise the pH of the gut, as well as vitamin E to support normal muscle function and recovery. Saracen Re-Covery Mash should be soaked before use and will take 2-3 minutes to soak in warm water, or 5 minutes in cold water. The amount of water added will depend upon the individual horse and the reason for feeding the mash
It is important that your horse is given forage to eat during their journey. Due to the confined space and humidity, inhalation of dust and mould spores can lead to respiratory challenge so soaked hay or haylage are better forages for travelling. Their higher water content also helps to reduce dehydration.
At the Show:
Once you are at your destination make sure that water is still made continually available. Continually check for signs of depression, reluctance to eat or drink, increased respiratory or heart rate, or decreased urination. All these signs may indicate dehydration and in which case, veterinary help should be sought immediately.
Allow your horse to regularly pick at the grass or nibble their haynet to keep up saliva production as well as stimulating appetite. Feeding approximately 400 grams of chaff (1 stubbs scoop) 30 minutes prior to riding or competing helps to provide a ‘fibre mat’ in the stomach reducing the risk of gastric ulcers caused by acid splash during exercise.
If you are at an all-day event avoid feeding concentrate feed closer than 4 hours before you compete. If you have a horse that becomes very fussy when staying away from home consider taking some Re-Covery Mash to help entice them and maintain fibre intake.
Going Home:
Allow your horse to cool down and relax before you load them for the journey home, and again, keep offering the water and electrolytes or a sloppy feed. Once at home the best option is to turn your horse out into their and let them unwind before feeding. Time in the paddock after a long journey not only helps to relax tense muscles but also encourages water intake and appetite stimulation. It is then important to get them back into their normal routine to allow them to settle.
Shipping Fever
A major problem for the serious competitor is shipping fever or pleuropneumonia, a term that is used to describe physiological, particularly respiratory stress during and following long journeys. The reasons are many, including poor air quality, poor ventilation and restricted head movement. All these compromise optimum lung function and defence mechanisms, which allows bacteria to become established. Symptoms include coughing, fever, nasal discharge, and respiratory distress. Prompt and aggressive treatment is required and usually effective, although preventing the problem from occurring is preferable.
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