Managing Metabolic Disorders
Metabolic disorders affect all types of horses and ponies and are caused when the body’s normal metabolic process’ are altered. Correct management of horses and ponies suffering from metabolic disorders is crucial in reducing the risk of problems, such as laminitis, which are closely associated with metabolic issues. For horses to maintain body condition and perform well, regulation of diet is key. Whether your horse is a good doer or a poor doer, all horses with metabolic disorders require a diet which provides a low glycaemic response as well as being low in sugar and starch.
Equine Metabolic Syndrome - Equine Metabolic Syndrome or EMS is usually characterised by obesity, laminitis, and insulin resistance (IR) and commonly affects middle aged horses. The true cause of EMS is unknown but there is thought that a genetic link (the ‘thrifty gene’) could be a contributing factor.
Insulin Resistance- Insulin resistance or IR occurs when the body fails to respond correctly to insulin – the hormone that transports glucose from the bloodstream to the tissues. Insulin resistance can be associated with EMS and Cushing’s disease.
Cushing’s - Cushing’s disease (also known as PPID / Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction) is caused by tissue overgrowth in the pituitary gland and is common in the older horse. Cushing’s disease is associated with hormonal dysfunctions and increases the horse's risk of developing laminitis through cortisol induced insulin insensitivity.

Horses have a need to chew both from a physiological and psychological point of view and this need should NEVER be taken away from them as digestive and behavioural problems can develop. Restricting forage intake may be necessary to aid in weight loss and this can be done through restricting grass intake and extending the amount of time the horse spends eating their forage ration. Muzzling is a great way to regulate grass intake as it can reduce consumption by 80% whilst still allowing the horse to trickle feed. Hay rations can also be split between multiple small holed haynets, which can be placed at different points around the stable to encourage movement, boost metabolism and extend eating time. Even horses with metabolic issues should still consume a minimum of 1.5% of their bodyweight in forage per day, so weighing your hay ration is crucial!

Non-Structural Carbohydrates
Sugar and starch are classed as non-structural carbohydrates (NSC’s) and to manage a horse suffering with metabolic issues effectively, the NSC content of the TOTAL diet should be maintained at 10% or less. This includes the NSC’s provided by forage as well as hard feed.
Sugar is not only provided by hard feed and is found in high quantities in forage, particularly grass. When taking your horse’s sugar consumption into consideration, it is important to assess the sugar that is provided through their forage ration. The sugar content of grasses will vary depending on the weather, time of day, stage of growth, plant species and geographic region. These factors also apply to conserved forages alongside the time of year that they were cut. Soaking hay helps to reduce the sugar content.
Starch is also found in forage, but it is generally feedstuffs that will supply the horse with most of their starch intake. Choosing a feed that is low in starch and sugar will help to keep the NSC content of your horse’s diet as a whole down.
Feeding the Poor Doer
The use of ‘super-fibre’ sources is particularly beneficial in this instance. ‘Super-fibres’, such as alfalfa, beet pulp and soya, provide a high calorie intake, similar to that of cereals, but help to reduce the reliance of cereals in the diet to provide calories. Traditional conditioning feed tend to contain cereals, making their starch content unsuitable for horses with metabolic issues. Oil can also be a beneficial calorie source so looking for feeds that have a higher oil level will help in maintaining a correct weight.

Super Fibre Cubes are a moderate calorie, high fibre feed ideal for horses requiring a good level of calories in the ration without oversupplying ‘instant’ energy. The cubes have a low starch and sugar content and are cereal free. Soya Oil is used within the cube to support skin and coat condition, and they are fully fortified with vitamins and minerals for optimal health and wellbeing. Super Fibre Cubes are also a great way to increase the fibre content of any horse’s diet.

Re-Leve® is a low starch feed designed for horses that react to a cereal based diet. It is suitable for horses at every level, from the ‘happy hacker’ to top-level performance horses. Soya hulls, alfalfa pellets and beet pulp supply oil and fibre as the energy (calorie) sources, keeping the ration cereal-free and starch to a bare minimum. RE-LEVE® is fully fortified with quality protein, trace elements and yeast, as well as Vitamin E and selenium to assist normal muscle function.

Veteran Mash is a low starch, low sugar feed specifically formulated for older horses and ponies who require additional calories to help maintain body condition and those who may be fussy or have a poor appetite. The high fibre formulation has been supplemented with a live yeast to increase the potential for optimum digestion and hindgut fermentation. A good source of quality protein provides essential amino acids to aid in cell repair and renewal. Essential fatty acids, including omega 3 fatty acids, help to provide support for joint health and mobility. Veteran Mash benefits from the unique inclusion of Palatability Plus (P+) taste technology, that when paired with the encapsulated malted flavour, helps to encourage even the fussiest of feeders, helping to maintain nutritional intake and can also provide a base to administer medications or supplements.
Feeding the Good Doer
It is important to still provide good doers with a balanced diet, especially if their forage rations are to be restricted to aid in correct weight management. Horses and ponies that are classed as good doers don’t require a high calorie intake and are therefore well suited to balancers which provide all the nutrients they require with a low-calorie intake.

Shape-Up™ is a low starch, high fibre mix designed to provide a balanced diet at low intake levels, as well as supporting a normal, healthy metabolism. It can be used as a calorie-controlled ration for horses and ponies in work that may be more at risk of laminitis and metabolic issues, in order to meet micronutrient requirements without excess sugar, calories and starch intake. To further support optimal health and wellbeing Shape-Up™ contains Acid Buf, a mycotoxin binder, an elevated level of omega 3 fatty acids, cinnamon and a healthy hoof package.

Essential Balancer is a pelleted balancer suitable for horses and ponies in or out of work. It is low in sugar, starch and calories, so is suitable for horses and ponies that are ‘good doers’. Dense in vitamins, minerals and quality protein sources, Essential Balancer helps to maintain muscle tone and topline as well as supporting optimum health and vitality. A source of Omega 3 fatty acids helps to condition and shine the coat, creating a picture of health inside and out.

Veteran Balancer has been formulated to provide a fully fortified, low calorie, low starch and sugar ration for veteran horses and ponies who require a calorie controlled ration. Veteran Balancer is based on highly digestible fibre sources to provide slow-release energy in the diet, as well as supporting the health of the hind gut. A good source of omega 3 fatty acids well known for their anti-inflammatory properties also helps to support joint health and mobility. A live yeast inclusion and mycotoxin binder helps to maintain optimum digestive health. Veteran Balancer benefits from a unique plant based coating that provides a source of slowly digestible calories (energy) that when combined with the highly digestible fibres, helps to provide a healthier source of energy. The unique plant-based coating also helps to provide a low glycaemic response so blood glucose levels should be kept more consistent after feeding. Veteran Balancer uses the unique inclusion of Palatability Plus (P+) taste technology, that when paired with the encapsulated malted flavour, helps to encourage even the fussiest of feeders, helping to maintain nutritional intake.

Competition-Fit Balancer is in mix form and therefore has a high fibre and oil level and contains a small cereal inclusion to provide additional energy and ‘sparkle’ when needed, although due to the low feeding rates does not encourage ‘fizzy’ or spooky behaviours. Quality sources of protein are included to ensure a supply of essential amino acids to help support muscle development, cell renewal, tissue, and muscle repair. The mix also contains the optimum inclusion of a live yeast as well as Acid Buf helping to manage optimal digestive health. Competition-Fit Balancer contains an encapsulated red apple flavour, as well as Saracen Horse Feeds unique Palatability +, which will entice even the fussiest of feeders. Palatability + is a unique seasoning that is formulated to maintain high levels of taste, and feed intake using a unique savoury profile, particularly when combined with Saracen Horse Feeds, encapsulated flavours.
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