Nutritional Articles
Allergies In Horses.
Understanding allergy reports for your horse and what to do if your horse has a reaction.
Feeding For Coat And Skin Health.
Healthy skin and a shiny coat is traditionally said to be one of the hallmarks of a healthy horse or pony.
Thermoregulation In Horses During Winter.
Thermoregulation is an important process that occurs in horses to help regulate body temperature.
Increasing Your Horses Natural Browsing Behaviour
Horses are designed to eat for up to 18 hours per day and, when grazing, will selectively forage on a wide range of different grass species. This browsing behaviour is often limited for the stabled horse who are usually only provided with one type of forage.
Why Wait? Using Winter To Your Advantage With Weight Loss.
If your horse is overweight, winter can be tactfully used to help your horse to lose weight.
Soaking Hay : What's The Latest?
Soaking hay is a great way to reduce the calorie content without limiting the amount of fibre that a horse is receiving
Ingredient Focus : Oil
What are the benefits of feeding oil to horses - and is it necessary?
Glycaemic Index In Horse Feeds
Being aware of the glycaemic index (GI) of your horse's feed and knowing how it can affect them can be beneficial in managing their ration to suit their dietary needs.
Muscle Myopathies : Mfm
Myofibrillar myopathy (MFM) is a muscle myopathy that differs to the more familiar PSSM.
The Benefits Of Feeding A Chaff
Chaff is the term given to short, chopped fibres. Often considered as a 'filler,' what are the benefits of feeding a chaff to your horses health?
The Misunderstood 10% Rule
When managing horses with metabolic conditions, guidelines state that non-structural carbohydrates in the diet should not exceed more than 10%. However, what does this really mean?
Equine Glandular Gastric Disease (Eggd)
Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) compromises of two diseases - Equine Squamous Gastric Disease and Equine Glandular Gastric Disease.