What Is Hindgut Acidosis?

Hindgut acidosis is an increase in acidity of the horse’s hindgut (the caecum, large colon, small colon and rectum). This decrease in pH is often caused by the fermentation of starch in the hindgut, which also results in an increase in amylolytic microbes, which ferment starch, and a decrease in fibrolytic microbes, which ferment fibre. These changes in microbial population, increased starch fermentation in the hindgut and the byproducts this produces, including lactic acid, leads to a change in the hindguts pH.
The ideal pH for the horse’s hindgut is between 6.5-7.0
Hindgut acidosis can occur when horses are fed excessive starch in their diets. It is recommended that the safe upper limit of starch intake for a horse per day is 2g/kg body weight (Julliand et al., 2006), and the recommended intake per meal is 1g/kg body weight. When horses consume too high a quantity of starch at once, it cannot always all be digested by amylase in the small intestine as it should be. It is found that the excess starch escapes enzymatic digestion and can end up being fermented in the hindgut.
Common clinical signs of hindgut acidosis include –
- Decrease appetite
- Decrease in performance
- Symptoms of colic
- Stereotypic behaviours
- Tying- up
- Loose droppings
- Horses suffering from hindgut acidosis may also be at a higher risk of developing laminitis, due to the toxins released from the death of the fibrolytic microbes due to the fermentation of starch in the hindgut
- Hindgut acidosis has also been shown to link to the development of hindgut ulcers
Minimising the risk -
Feed and starch quantities -
As owners, it is important to be aware of the quantity of starch we are feeding our horses per meal. It is recommended that horses do not consumer more than 500g per 100kg BW and 1g of starch per kg BW per meal.

For example, a 500kg horse being fed Condition-Improver Mix with a starch content of 23%, is being fed 2.5kg of the mix per day, and 575g of starch. The recommend max meal size for this horse would be 2.5kg, and 500g of starch per meal. It would therefore be recommended this horses feed should be split between 2-3 regular meals per day to ensure this 1g/kg BW per meal is not exceeded.

On the other end of the spectrum, a 500kg horse being fed 500g of Essential Balancer per day at a starch content of 6% (30g), is way below these recommended limits. It would then be appropriate to only offer this in one meal per day as part of a regular feeding schedule.
Feeding horses little and often –
by offering smaller, more frequent meals rather than fewer, bulkier meals we can encourage a more natural feeding routine for our horses who have evolved to be trickle feeders. This will also reduce the quantity of starch ingested at once to reduce the risk of excess starch moving into the hindgut and being fermented.
Promoting pH balance-
Feeds containing an acid buf, such as Saracens Shape-Up, Competition-Fit Balancer, Condition-Improver Cubes, Condition-Improver Mix Re-Leve Mix and Equi-Jewel, help to maintain an optimum pH in the hindgut, and may also help combat any fluctuations caused by the fermentation of starch and the onset of hindgut acidosis.

Equi-Shure – Research has shown that supplementing the diet with EquiShure® led to reduced faecal pH levels suggesting that EquiShure® can maintain gut balance and support a normal hindgut environment and pH. EquiShure® is a scientifically proven time-released hindgut buffer which supplies an encapsulated source of sodium bicarbonate to the colon and Caecum, helping to stabilise hindgut pH and optimise digestive function, which would be compromised in the event of hindgut acidosis.

Live yeast –
Feeds containing live yeast or use of yeast supplements such as Saracens Pro-Yeast can increase the efficiency of nutrient breakdown and promote the ability of fibre fermenting bacteria. Live yeast has also been shown to help balance the microbiome of the hindgut and maintain a normal hindgut environment and stable pH.
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